A sensitive and funny tale of musical creation, the story of a little girl and a louse trying to recreate the "sound of the rainbow"...
Created by composer Karl Naegelen and writer Julien Gaillard.
Guided by Élise Caron and the musicians of 2e2m, young and old alike will venture into an exploration of sound and listening, giving free rein to their imagination !
Duration / 1 h 00
2e2m production, with the support of Spedidam and MMC.
The mission of the Maison de la Musique Contemporaine (MMC) is to showcase and promote contemporary music, provide support for professionals and promote and educate the public.
This season 2e2m is supported by the Ernst von Siemens Foundation.
Karl Naegelen
Le son de l'arc-en-ciel
narrator, flute, piano, percussion, violin, cello
Elise Caron, narrator
Jean-Philippe Grometto, flute
Chae-Um Kim, piano
Clément Delmas, percussion
Dorothée Nodé-Langlois, viola
Sarah Givelet, cello
Lila Burdet, lumières
Julien Gaillard, booklet
Wednesday 29 may 2024 / FRESNES / 13 h 30
Wednesday 29 may 2024 / FRESNES / 15 h 00
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