Agata Zubel, composer in residence 2019
If plants respond to the stress of jasmonates, how does the rising generation of musical creation takes the ecological situation into account? By the expression of the statement? Denunciation of the impasse? By the refreshing side-step of humor?
Duration / 1 h 00
Production 2e2m. Coproduction La Muse en Circuit, National center of musical creation. With support from SPEDIDAM, Conservatoire à rayonnement régional de Paris and Institut Polonais Paris. In partnership with « Bien entendu ! Un mois pour la création musicale » / Futurs Composés.
Residence co-organized by the Adam Mickiewicz Institute as part of Polska Music and POLSKA 100, the international cultural program for the centenary of Poland's return to independence. Funded by the Ministry of Culture and National Heritage of the Republic of Poland as part of the multiannual program NIEPODLEGLA 2017-2022.
Concert recorded by France Musique.
world premiere / commission 2e2m
Malin Bång
French premiere
Oxana Omelchuk
Staahaadler Affenstall
French premiere
ensemble and electronic device
Festival Ensemble(s) • opening night
Festival Ensemble(s) • Trajectoire(s)
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