Presentation Programmation & distribution Video

Festival Les Musiques

One of the masterpieces of Persian literature, The Conference of the Birds by the poet, Farid ud-Din Attar, inspired Michaël Levinas with a lyrical form which did not take a wrinkle thanks to its visionary conception of space and time.

Duration / 1 h 00

Libretto based on a Persian tale by Farid Al-Din Attar, adapted by Jean-Claude Carrière.

Festival Les Musiques organized by gmem - CNCM Marseille. 

Production 2e2m. Coproduction Grame, National center of musical creation. With support from FCL, Fonds de création lyrique and Spedidam. 

Michaël Levinas

Music & libretto

Pierre Roullier

Music direction

Lilo Baur


Frédéric Taieb

Assistant stage director

Agnès Falque

Costume designer

Bernadette Beaudet et Jean-Pierre Van Wambeke


Gilles Gentner

Lights designer

Max Bruckert

Computer Music Designer

Étienne Graindorge

Sound engineer

Raquel Camarinha soprano, the Hoopoe

Lucas Hérault actor, the Birds

Nicolas Lormeau actor, member of La Comédie-Française, Narrator

Ensemble 2e2m


Saturday 11 may 2019 / Marseille / 20 h 00

La Criée-Théâtre National de Marseille

30 Quai Rive Neuve

13007 Marseille

From €9 to €25




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