Presentation Programmation & distribution Video

Artistic Residence in Gennevilliers

“Serious music has a huge issue with laughing. Being serious  is so much easier. Making someone laugh is harder than making them cry,” said Mauricio Kagel.

In Variété, he opens up a poetic space tinged with nostalgia, mixing the humorous and the burlesque, theater and juggling, in which clown/juggler NIKOLAUS leads a chaotic and comical investigation. Staying in the humorous vein, Italian composer Francesco Filidei shares with us his amazing Exercices de folie featuring visual and sound effects from the performers' gestures.

Duration / 1 h 05

Production 2e2m. Coproduction Cie Pré-o-coupé.
Part of Bien Entendu ! Un mois pour la création musicale / Futurs Composés, national network for new music.

Mauricio Kagel


clown/juggler & ensemble

Francesco Filidei

Esercizio di Pazzia 1 & 2

4 musicians

NIKOLAUS clown/juggler

Pierre Roullier conductor

Christian Lucas stage direction

Hervé Gary lighting designer


Tuesday 7 november 2017 / Gennevilliers / 14 h 15

Conservatoire Edgar-Varèse

13 rue Louis Calmel

92230 Gennevilliers

M13 Les Agnettes

young audiences

Thursday 9 november 2017 / Gennevilliers / 14 h 15

Conservatoire Edgar-Varèse

13 rue Louis Calmel

92230 Gennevilliers

M13 Les Agnettes

young audiences

Friday 10 november 2017 / Gennevilliers / 19 h 00

Conservatoire Edgar-Varèse

13 rue Louis Calmel

92230 Gennevilliers

M13 Les Agnettes

free admission

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    Festival Ensemble(s) • opening night


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    Festival Ensemble(s) • Trajectoire(s)


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    COUR & JARDIN • Trio 2E


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