2e2m is one of the first and most prestigious French ensembles dedicated to today's musical creation. With several hundred premieres to its credits, the Ensemble is a major performer on the national and international music scenes.
Since its creation in 1972 by French composer Paul Méfano, 2e2m has innovated over and over and holds a leading role in the field of contemporary musical creation.
Based in the Paris region since its creation, the Ensemble develops an active work on the local territory, focused on the creation and the promotion of music. Concerts, educational projects, public rehearsals, meetings with composers and performers are as many ways for audiences to discover works, to experiment and to build a close connection with the creators.
Fifty years after its creation, 2e2m is still dedicated to its vocation: to explore - by being open to a wide range of aesthetics – and to share with the audiences – thanks mainly to a deep and lasting artistic and human relationship with composers, artists and performers.
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