La musique objective
Objective music
Auteurs / Authors
Omer Corlaix
Dmitri Kourliandski
Makis Solomos
Jan Topolski
Dmitri Bavilski
Publication bilingue français-anglais / Bilingual publication French-English
The music of Dmitri Kourliandski, a Russian composer who was born in 1976, completely excludes traditional instrumental sounds. His works can be compared to kinetic objects which produce sounds only when the mechanism is wound up.
Pages / 129'
Parution / 2010
Editor / 2e2m-Coll. À la ligne
Ref. / ISBN 978-2-913734-06-7
Price / 10.00 €Festival Ensemble(s) • opening night
Festival Ensemble(s) • Trajectoire(s)
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