Presentation Programmation & distribution Video


Adapted from Les Contes du Chat Perché by Marcel Aymé © Éditions Gallimard, 1939


Premiered in 2011, this 'rural' opera thought up by Caroline Gautier continues on its way, after winning the 2012 SACD Music Prize for the composer, Jean-Marc Singier (b.1954).


The strange beauty of the tales of Marcel Aymé (1902-1967) is revealed in a world as powerful as it is ethereal, humorous and, in short, magical. The artists, coming from the arts of the circus, dance and song, give life to Delphine, Marinette and the farm animals in a clever musical bric-a-brac combining voice and the festive sonorities of a small brass band.


Chat Perché turns and turns again...

Public Choice YAMA 2014



Duration / 1 h 15

Production Artis Diffusion / Coproduction Bouche d’Or - Cie Caroline Gautier, Ensemble 2e2m, Arcal, Festival Archipel-Genève, Mâcon - Scène nationale
With the support of Arcadi, Fonds de création lyrique, Ministry of Culture and Communication-Ile-de-France Regional Direction of Cultural, Val-de-Marne Department, Opéra national de Paris, Argenteuil and Champigny-sur-Marne



Jean-Marc Singier


commission of Bouche d’Or - Cie Caroline Gautier & Artis Diffusion

Caroline Gautier

libretto, staging

Pierre Roullier

music director

Dominique Boivin


Bruno de Lavenère


Sylvie Skinazi


Daniel Lévy


Olivier Fredj

director assistant

Véronique Briel


Camille Revol & Florence Peyrard dancer / contortionist, Delphine & Marinette

Michel Hermon bass-baritone / actor, The father

Sylvie Althaparro mezzo-soprano, The mother

Marc Molomot tenor, the Pig / the Sub-Prefect

Robert Expert countertenor, the Peacock

Sonia Bellugi soprano, the Duck / the cousin Flora

Salomon Baneck Asaro dancer, the Panther

Mathieu Steffanus clarinet

Pierre-Stéphane Meugé saxophone

Anthony Chevillon trumpet

Patrice Hic trombone

Vincent Limouzin percussion


Friday 5 december 2014 / Colombes / 20 h 30

L'Avant Seine

Parvis des Droits de l'Homme

88 rue St-Denis

92700 Colombes

Train Gare St-Lazare / Colombes • M13 Les Courtilles, then bus 304 or 378 Église de Colombes

20 / 29 euros

Booking +33(0)1 56 05 00 76


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