Presentation Programmation & distribution Video

Aurélien Dumont, 2018 composer in residence

Other Worlds

Aurélien Dumont was inspired here by a literary work expressing the tiniest variations of the soul. While the musical tempo extrapolated from Dickinson's poems is an image of the breath of Nature, the contemplative and narrative music grows out of a subtle harmonic range. Naoki Sakata and Pascale Criton explore sound spaces, bringing micro-intervals into play or allowing infra-tonality to emerge.


Duration / 1 h 00

Production 2e2m. Coproduction La Muse en Circuit, National center of musical creation. With support from Conservatoire à rayonnement régional de Paris. With support from Spedidam.

Concert recorded by France Musique.

Aurélien Dumont

Âpre Bryone

world premiere of new version
soprano, ensemble & electroacoustic device

Naoki Sakata

Mirage Song

Concertino for microtonal accordion
world premiere, with the support for writing new original musical works of the French Government
microtonal accordion & ensemble

Pascale Criton


world premiere, with the support for writing new original musical works of the French Government
ensemble & electroacoustic device

Hélène Fauchère soprano

Fanny Vicens accordion

Pierre Roullier conductor

La Muse en Circuit computer technology


Thursday 3 may 2018 / Paris / 20 h 00

CRR de Paris • Auditorium Marcel Landowski

14 rue de Madrid

75008 Paris

M3 Europe

19 h 00 avant-concert

Free entrance
Booking +33 (0)1 47 06 17 76


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