Presentation Programmation & distribution Video

Aurélien Dumont, 2018 composer in residence

Liquid, nay Solid
Aurélien Dumont looks to places where matter and spirit are one, creating an ambulatory state in the fleeting grip of a lost or fantasized equilibrium. More perambulations with Franco-Argentine Carlos Grätzer, to a video by the brilliant Jacques Perconte. In his piece, the fiery Oriol Saladrigues from Barcelona summons up an image of the Fool who, although he stumbles, is often the most lucid of all.

Duration / 1 h 00

Production 2e2m. Coproduction La Muse en Circuit, National center of musical creation. With support from Conservatoire à rayonnement régional de Paris and Spedidam.

Concert recorded by France Musique.

Aurélien Dumont

Flaques de miettes

world premiere of new version

Sérieux gravats - Nara II


Carlos Grätzer


world premiere
ensemble, electroacoustic device & video

Oriol Saladrigues


world premiere
accordion, ensemble & live electronics

Pascal Contet accordion

Pierre Roullier conductor

Jacques Perconte video

La Muse en Circuit computer technology


Tuesday 20 march 2018 / Paris / 20 h 00

CRR de Paris • Auditorium Marcel Landowski

14 rue de Madrid

75008 Paris

M3 Europe

19 h 00 avant-concert

Free entrance

Booking +33 (0)1 47 06 17 76


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