Presentation Programmation & distribution Video

Festival Internacional Cervantino / México

Two South American composers in a dialogue with the baroque arts. Argentine Oscar Strasnoy (1970) contrasts the optimism and brightness of J. S. Bach's Wedding Cantata BWV 202 with Franz Kafka's desperate vision of love, inventing a hybrid sound and lexical temporality. Voces del Primero Sueño by MexicanJorge Torres Sáenz (1968) intensifies locutions by poet Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz (1651-1695) by reconfiguring the typical range of the Baroque style, going from past tense to present reflections.


Duration / 1 h 00

Coproduction 2e2m, Festival Internacional Cervantino. With support from the Institut français d’Amérique latine au Mexique (French Institute in Mexico) and SPEDIDAM. Part of Bien Entendu ! Un mois pour la création musicale / Futurs Composés, national network for new music.

Oscar Strasnoy

Hochzeitsvorbereitungen (mit B und K) ⁄ Préparatifs de noce (avec B et K)

soprano, countertenor & ensemble

Jorge Torres Sáenz

Voces del Primero Sueño

world premiere, with support from Sistema Nacional de Creadores de Arte de México
soprano, countertenor & ensemble

Chantal Santon-Jeffery soprano

Guilhem Terrail countertenor

Pierre Roullier conductor


Tuesday 17 october 2017 / Guanajuato / 17 h 00

Templo de la Compañia de Jesús


------- Guanajuato


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