Presentation Programmation & distribution Video

2e2m + Territoires du souffle


Let us stop a moment on the weight of words: prison, incarceration, inmates, prisoners, life sentence, solitary, visiting rooms, victims... Our society hesitates to apprehend the universe of reclusion and is afraid of it. Putting a voice, voices to the words is the intention of Thierry Machuel (1962). After Les parloirs, a place of ephemeral encounters and of the last link, after Les lessiveuses, premiered in 2014 by 2e2m, maternal madness confronted with the alienation of prison, Thierry Machuel pursues his operatic exploration of the prison universe with that of the victims, haunted by these voices.


Duration / 1 h 30

Production Territoires du souffle / In patnership with Collège des Bernardins / With the support of Fondation pour l'Art et la Recherche,  Fondation Orange and INAVEM

Thierry Machuel

Les parloirs

mezzo-soprano, tenor, choir & ensemble

Les lessiveuses

2 sopranos, contralto, saxophone, 2 accordions

Les victimes

world premiere
2 sopranos, 4 mezzo-sopranos, choir & ensemble

Pierre Roullier conductor

Territoires du souffle

Esther Labourdette, Caroline Chassany sopranos

Julia Beaumier, Corinne Bahuaud, Roula Safar, Adèle Charvet mezzo-sopranos


Saturday 19 march 2016 / Paris / 17 h 30

Collège des Bernardins

20 Rue de Poissy 

75005 Paris

M10 Cardinal Lemoine / M7 Jussieu 


17h30- 19h00 LES PARLOIRS


19h30 - 20h30 LES LESSIVEUSES


21h30 - 22h30 LES VICTIMES


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