Presentation Programmation & distribution Video

Or how to rediscover the celebration, tenderness and emotion of popular music through Bernard Cavanna's dance-hall accordion, then the clown's humour-tinged poetry with Mauricio Kagel's music hall.

A delight to be shared with the whole family!


Duration / 1 h 00

Coproduction 2e2m, Ville de Villepinte 

Bernard Cavanna

Karl Koop Konzert

world premiere of new version
accordion & ensemble

Mauricio Kagel


clown & ensemble

NIKOLAUS juggler clown

Pascal Contet accordion

Pierre Roullier conductor

Christian Lucas stage direction

Hervé Gary lighting designer


Saturday 12 march 2016 / Villepinte / 20 h 30

Espaces V - Roger Lefort

Avenue Jean Fourgeau

93420 Villepinte

RER B Sevran-Beaudottes,

then Bus 1 Espaces V

6 / 10 euros
Booking + 33 1 55 85 96 10 

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