Presentation Programmation & distribution Video

The 10th edition of the Festival de la Voix will be placed under the sign of Argentinian music with special guest composer José Luis Castiñiera de Dios (1947). Known for his film scores, he is also a personality very much involved in the musical life of his country. Contrasting with a world premiere by this composer, it seemed natural to get in touch with the Franco-Argentinian Luis Naón (1961) with his Lied and also give the Misa Criolla by Ariel Ramírez (1921-2010), which will be sung by the Gaudeamaus chorus.


Duration / 1 h 00

Production Festival de la Voix 

Luis Naón

Ein Lied

voice, piano , viola & saxophone

Ariel Ramirez

Misa Criolla

choir & ensemble

José Luis Castiñera de Dios

world premiere

commission of Festival de la Voix
voice & ensemble

Pierre Roullier conductor

Élise Chauvin soprano

Véronique Briel piano

Claire Merlet viola

Pierre-Stéphane Meugé saxophone

Chœur Gaudeamus (Alain Palma, conductor)


Sunday 13 march 2016 / Soisy-sous-Montmorency / 16 h 00

Salle des Fêtes

Avenue du Général de Gaulle

95230 Soisy-sous-Montmorency

SNCF, station Enghien-les-Bains

Free entrance

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