Dans la peau du son /
In the skin of soun
Auteurs / Authors
Pierre Roullier
Catherine Peillon
Roberta Milanaccio
Maxime Kaprielian
Publication bilingue français-anglais / Bilingual publication French-English
Passionately interested in culture and nurtured on History, Francesco Filidei, an Italian composer who was born in 1973, proposes a radical questioning about sound. With these seemingly insignificant objects, he becomes demiurge, transforming everything he touches into music. The limitless universe of noises that he brings into play with his exceptional organist’s ear opens a world of extreme tension that sculpts and colours time, cutting it up into segments.
Pages / 174'
Parution / 2015
Editor / 2e2m
Ref. / ISBN 978-2-913734-11-1
Price / 10.00 €Festival Ensemble(s) • opening night
Festival Ensemble(s) • Trajectoire(s)
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